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My reply to PHAC - On 18 September 2024, an alarming report was released by Canadian virologist, Dr David Speicher, confirming significant synthetic DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines used in Australia. A copy of the report is attached. The findings indicate DNA contamination levels up to 145 times higher than Canada's normal safety limits. These findings have also been replicated in Germany and the United States. This information adds to the growing safety concerns surrounding these vaccines. Dr Speicher’s findings suggest the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were rushed to the public without adequate safety testing of the non-trial based batches. Now we are seeing alarming DNA contamination levels coupled with the possibility of genomic integration. This could explain the reported rise in cancers and other severe health outcomes we are seeing in our highly vaccinated Australian population. This evidence demands that a full and transparent inquiry be held into the safety of these vaccines.

My Son's Mother Niki Spear took the covid shots YOU FUCKING RETARDS SAID WERE SAFE and NOW SHE IS FUCKING DEAD from Cancer. You fucking Murdering pieces of shit. You all belong in prison. GOD DAMN YOU FUCKING MURDERERS!!!! You must be and will be held accountable.

Derek Crane

Ps reply with a name not The Public Health Agency of Canada

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