Response from the Public Health Agency of Canada
INFO (PHAC/ASPC) <>Thu, Oct 10, 2024 at 3:06 PM
To: "" <>
Dear Mr. Crane:
Thank you for your correspondence of July 10, 2024, regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada.
We are deeply sorry to learn of the loss of your brother-in-law, please accept out deepest condolences.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, policies and public health measures were implemented by the Government of Canada with the goal of protecting the health and safety of Canadians.
Thank you for sharing your views and thoughts on the response, your comments will be shared with the relevant teams for their consideration.
The Public Health Agency of Canada
From: Derek Crane <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2024 8:11 AM
Subject: response required
Subject: A crime has been committed, and is still in progress. *REQUIREMENT FOR POLICE TO ACT* Your actions killed my brother in law a Mr. Scott Kennedy and you must be held accountable.
cc: Including but not limited to Canadian Military, Attorney Generals, MP’s, Senators, MLA’s, Media, College of Physicians, His Majesty the King
My name is Derek Crane and I am a natural born citizen of Canada.
I write to you in protest and utter disdain, as to the state of our nation.
I have a multitude of issues and grievances against you.
I have sent many emails starting in April 2020 because I wanted, and demanded, information pertaining to the risk/benefit analysis of the imposed mandates such as masking, physical distancing, lockdowns and COVID-19 injections because the imposed measures violated standard pandemic response protocols. My requests have so far gone unanswered.
Individual Rights and Freedoms are not bargaining chips in a trade war—but fundamental, permanent values and principles in the pursuit of satisfying the ‘supremacy of God and the rule of law, the foundational principles ungirding our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, an integral part of The Constitution Act 1982.
In a constitutional monarchy such as Canada, the rule of law rests first and foremost on the premise that there is an ultimate law which governs society and which protects citizens by constraining government power: the Constitution.
Laws that are inconsistent with the Constitution are of no force or effect. The rule of law requires politicians and governments to obey the Constitution.
The impact of the grossly negligent response from the first wave, causing continued massive collateral damage that convey/confer joint and severe liability to the provincial and territorial Premiers and PM for Canada.
Covid-19 experimental genetic injections have been referred to as "safe and effective vaccines" though they do not satisfy that definition or those claims. They are physically not like any vaccine ever administered before.
They do not block infection. They do not block transmission. They were predictably a failure and should not have been administered at all. The manufacturers’ clinical trials were inadequate, flawed, and in my opinion fraudulent. Efficacy claims to the public were deceptive
My brother-in-law died June 3rd 2023. He went to a hospital in Nova Scotia when they first introduced the vax. He had trouble speaking and because he would not get the vax he was refused examination/treatment and told its probably just laryngitis don’t worry. Now he is dead due to cancer something that he could have survived if they treated him right away or maybe not but we will never know. His name was Scott Kennedy and he is originally from Fort Erie. He is sadly missed.
Justice for those YOU have hurt and killed through YOUR reckless gross negligence.
• The Public Health Agency of Canada was forced to acknowledge that it has no evidence that the ArriveCan app program saved lives during the Covid-19 pandemic despite using that as an argument to justify the high cost of $54 Million.
• In recent legal proceedings, the Canadian Federal Department of Health was unable to provide evidence-based documentation to substantiate more than thirty extremely damaging public health decisions made during the Covid-19 pandemic according to Auditor General Paul Martin. In a press release, he said, “The department was unable to provide requested documentation, stating that they ‘did not create a compendium or a repository of all of the scientific articles, papers, publications, and analyses’ that it consulted during the pandemic and therefore were unable to provide a fulsome and detailed list of all of the evidence consulted and used when recommendations were being formulated.” This is damning circumstantial evidence that they never had any such ‘scientific articles, papers, publications, and analyses’ and so have no justification for the damage they have done to both public health and the national economy.
• Medical freedom champion Dr. Mark Trozzi had his X account reinstated a few weeks ago after deleting a post from his article “Nooses For Narcissists,” which calls for the lawful hanging of political leaders who violated the Nuremberg Code when they effectively mandated dangerous experimental Covid shots. Although Dr. Trozzi had to delete his post, many have now read it and there is a growing chorus of outraged people making the same call for justice.
• On December 6, Florida Surgeon General, Joseph Ladapo, sent a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), asking questions about the detection of billions of DNA fragments in Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines (see the article ‘FDA Shuts Down Enquiries About DNA Contamination in Covid Vaccines’ in next week’s CHA newsletter). His letter to the FDA asks whether drug manufacturers have evaluated these risks, whether the current standards consider the lipid nanoparticle delivery system, and whether the FDA has evaluated the risks to reproductive cells. The letter requests a response by December 13. Our understanding is that Ladapo did not get a response, which will, no doubt, justify his next legal move against the FDA – and hopefully our next Win of the Week!
• Philadelphia is proposing a law that would impose a $250 fine on anyone wearing a face mask in public arguing that “The Philadelphia Police Department can’t tell who’s a criminal and not a criminal, which makes it difficult for crimes to be solved in Philadelphia.” Crime has risen drastically in most cities since the pandemic, especially those that enforced the mask mandates. Hopefully, this will further dampen the enthusiasm of cities and their police forces to blindly go along with the next mask mandate which the WHO will want to impose upon us as soon as they get their jurisdiction.
• The state of Texas and other media companies have sued the US State Department. Their case claims that they conspired with Newsguard to censor American media companies and that the government agency funded censorship technology designed to bankrupt domestic media outlets that criticized the government and its policies.
• Former Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza is under investigation for homicide after emails reveal that he knew from the very start of the vaccinations, that the shots were killing people and gave orders to local health authorities to conceal deaths and serious side effects in order to reassure Italian citizens of their safety and to not jeopardize the vaccination campaign. These staggering accusations have been reported on by both German and Italian news networks.
National Citizens Inquiry Commissioners Report
Inquiry into the Appropriateness and Efficacy of the COVID-19 Response in Canada
Ottawa: On Tuesday, November 28, 2023, the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) released the final report of its months-long investigation into Canada’s response to COVID-19. This report follows the September 14 release of an interim report focused on the regulatory approval process and safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
The Report was written by NCI’s four independent Commissioners: Chairperson Mr. Ken Drysdale, Ms. Heather DiGregorio, Ms. Janice Kaikkonen and Dr. Bernard Massie. The Report is the culmination of their efforts to:
• listen to the testimony of over 300 witnesses who told the Commissioners and all Canadians what happened to them during the COVID-19 crisis, or shared their expertise on subjects ranging from the economy and education, to mental health and medical science, to media and institutional censorship, to social harms and civic losses—to name just a few.
• learn how Canadians were affected by the policies enacted by governments and other organizations in response to COVID-19.
• recommend ways health and other crises can be better managed in future, to reduce and avoid the many harms that Canadians experienced since COVID-19 began in early 2020.
Read Report Here -
We are a group of concerned Citizens who have borne witness to numerous alleged serious criminal offences committed over the course of the past years against the People of Ontario and Canada.
In accordance with the tenants set out in the Police Services Act: Police services shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with the following principles:
1. The need to ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in Ontario.
2. The importance of safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code.
3. The need for co-operation between the providers of police services and the communities they serve.
4. The importance of respect for victims of crime and understanding of their needs.
5. The need for sensitivity to the pluralistic, multiracial and multicultural character of Ontario society.
6. The need to ensure that police forces are representative of the communities they serve. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.15, s. 1.
Furthermore in accordance with the Police Services Act, a Police Officers duty include:
(a) preserving the peace;
(b) preventing crimes and other offences and providing assistance and encouragement to other persons in their prevention;
(c) assisting victims of crime;
(d) apprehending criminals and other offenders and others who may lawfully be taken into custody;
(e) laying charges and participating in prosecutions;
(f) executing warrants that are to be executed by police officers and performing related duties;
(g) performing the lawful duties that the chief of police assigns;
(h) in the case of a municipal police force and in the case of an agreement under section 10 (agreement for provision of police services by O.P.P.), enforcing municipal by-laws;
(i) completing the prescribed training. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.15, s. 42 (1); 1997, c. 8, s. 28. According to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) web site, the OPP is trusted to investigate province-wide and cross-jurisdictional major crimes (i.e. organized crime, trafficking, smuggling and investigate major cases (i.e. homicide, kidnapping) and or provide major case investigation support to municipal or regional police services when requested.
It is on the basis of the above directives, and definitions we have brought forward this information of the alleged criminal activities, and expect the Police Services to execute their responsibility to undertake a detailed investigation into the allegations.
In the early part of 2020 the world was faced with the news of a Novel Coronavirus that may have originated in China in late 2019, and was now being detected in other parts of the world including Canada.
Expert opinions about the virus sprang up overnight and their dire and conflicting opinions filled every mass media program.
“Expert” predictions included millions, if not billions of deaths around the world, our leaders were in free fall panic mode. Government officials provided advice that was erratic and their opinions changed, on a weekly basis.
Although Canada had established The Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan for the Health Sector 2006, many of the fundamental recommendations of that plan were never implemented.
Additionally many activities that were specifically not recommended in the plan were implemented and formed some of the foundational principals of Canada’s response to the pandemic.
Some examples of recommendations and or mandates that were made and subsequently
changed, or that made no sense follow:
Allow international travel, do not allow international travel; wear cloth masks, do not wear cloth masks; stay home do not stay home. You can sit in a restaurant without a mask, but you cannot sit at school without a mask. You cannot leave your home, if you do you are a murderer, but you can travel from China to Canada, and if you oppose that, you are a racist.
We could go on and on with the utter absurdity of the mandates and regulations being made when the Corona Virus was first announced.
Given this initial explosion of highly contradictory and spectacularly erroneous information, the Canadian Population became overwhelmed and terrified.
This was despite the fact that our own health officials and government departments had been planning for an event similar to Covid 19 for years, and had written emergency plans in place based on “corona like viruses”. These emergency plans were set in place by all major countries and World Health Organizations (WHO) alike. The latest CDC emergency response plan was completed in 2017.
A copy of Canada’s Emergency plan can be found here: The Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan for the Health Sector 2006 ( One of the listed authors of this report is Dr. Teresa Tam.
We were unable to determine whether or not the Canadian plan had been officially updated since 2006.
Although the Plan’s description of the assumed Pandemic very closely matched what actually happened in Canada, the recommendations made in the Plan were never fully implemented.
During this same period of time, (2005 to 2006) many countries around the World developed very similar plans to combat the threat of a future Corona type Pandemic. The Centres for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States developed a plan in 2005, updated the plan in 2009 and the last update to that plan prior to the Covid 19 pandemic was in 2017.
A link to this CDC report is here:
CDC 2017 Updated Pandemic Plan (
The World Health Organization (WHO) also prepared similar influenza pandemic plans around the same time: WHO 2013 Pandemic Influenza Risk Management Intern Guide.
These plans were all very similar in scope and nature, the World Health Organization’s plan appeared to be used as a basis for individual country plans around the World. Their plans all described what eventually happened with the Covid-19 Pandemic with great detail and accuracy.
However, many of the main attributes of the plans were never implemented, why?
In addition, prior to and during the Covid 19 pandemic, the CDC in the United States issued a number of reports that dealt with the use of measures to combat the pandemic.
In many cases, including in Canada, the recommendations were not followed, and in fact, in a number of
cases Health Officials in Canada implemented the opposite strategy, and ignored many long standing and proven techniques for preventing the spread of the disease and or mitigating the detrimental effects caused by their attempts at pandemic mitigation.
We understand, at the outset of the pandemic, that combating uncertainty and fear would be one of the key issues at hand. In the words of the CDC in their 2017 Pandemic Plan:
“At the onset of an outbreak with pandemic potential, the uncertainty and complexity of the situation demand ways to assess the risk and potential public health impact posed by the emerging virus, understand the possible progression of the event, and evaluate its severity and transmissibility to enable informed public health interventions.”
It is arguable how much allowance should be made for this initial uncertainty, since the Health Community had been planning for just such a pandemic since 2005, and their plans accurately predicted the course and nature of the actual pandemic.
So the question that must be asked is “when did the Health Officials know, or when ought they have known how effective their orders were at mitigation, and what negative impacts were being caused by these mitigative measures.
We cannot know exactly when verifiable statistical information was made available to the Health Officials in Canada; however, we do know when these statistics were made available to the Canadian public by Statistics Canada.
In May 2021, Statistics Canada provided, to the general public, significant statistical information that could be used to understand the nature of the virus, the efficacy of our preventative efforts, guidance for treatment and the effects of the measures on the overall society.
As of May 2021, the statistics of the impacts of the virus on the Canadian population were known. It is reasonable to assume that the official health department officers who were implementing the government’s
response to the pandemic would have had access to this information well in advance of when it was made available to the general public.
In regard to this, on page 4 of the Canadian Pandemic Plan 2006 it states:
Mitigation/Response activities are directed at controlling the pandemic and repressing direct outcomes (mortality and morbidity due to influenza) and indirect associated effects (social disruption). Implementation of these activities would involve a series of escalating and potentially varying (but harmonized) responses as the pandemic unfolds across the country. Implementation also involves documenting activities and outcomes to determine if a more extensive response is required or if adjustments to the planned response are
So in the very plan, that was supposed to be used to guide Canada’s pandemic response, it recognizes the principle of controlling the pandemic by continual monitoring of results including assessing the social disruption to society as a whole.
Although a key question is, when did health officials know or ought to have known, it is clear that they knew no later than May of 2021 what the actual nature of the pandemic was. These officials also knew which measures were effective and which were ineffective. Each mitigative measure should have been evaluated for both positive and negative effects. All of these factors should have been assessed on a cost benefit basis and as set out in the pandemic plan.
The authors have prepared this report to outline in broad and sometimes specific terms, how the
Canadian Pandemic response was so seriously flawed, that it directly resulted in:
1. Unprecedented disruptions to our society as a whole, resulting in unnecessary deaths;
2. Unnecessary isolation of individuals resulting in many serious conditions including suicide,
domestic abuse and mental disorders;
3. Medical apartheid;
4. Forced medical procedures on the general population including coercion, duress and threats;
5. Violations of the “Genetic Non-Discrimination Act 2017, as affirmed by the Supreme Court of
Canada in July 10, 2020;
6. Violations of various sections of the Canadian Charter Rights and Freedoms;
7. Cruel and unusual punishment of “at risk” individuals though physical, mental and medical
8. Serious mental and physical damage to children through forced school closures, isolation and
forced masks usage;
9. Denying of physical, social and business services to an identifiable segment of the Canadian
10. Violation of sections of the Criminal Code of Canada 319(1) related to communicating
statements in any public place, inciting hatred against any identifiable group;
11. Various other breaches of the laws of Canada and Manitoba that are to be determined by the
police investigation.
Detailed statistical and testimonial evidence presented in this report is more than that required to
initiate a detailed investigation by the appropriate policing services in Manitoba and Canada.
It is not the intent of this report to provide the totality of the information required in order to complete the investigation. Rather, the intent of the report is to provide the police with enough information to establish the requirement for a criminal investigation.
Further, as the actions of the various governments and government authorities are continuing and in some instances, these governmental actions are continuing to cause serious harm to various individuals throughout Canada, we anticipate and request the police obtain immediate injunctions against the government to suspend any of these ongoing activities that further harm both individuals and our society as a whole. The injunctions should remain in place until such time the investigation can be concluded.
Many citizens were coerced into taking the Covid-19 vaccine under penalty of loosing their jobs, or other Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.
The broad definition of coercion is "the use of express or implied threats of violence or reprisal (as discharge from employment) or other intimidating behaviour that puts a person in immediate fear of the consequences in order to compel that person to act against his or her will." Actual violence, threats of violence, or other acts of pressure may constitute coercion if they're used to subvert an individual's free will or consent.
In legal terms, it's often said that someone who's been coerced was acting under duress. In fact, "duress" and "coercion" are often interchanged. Black's Law Dictionary defines duress as "any unlawful threat or coercion used... to induce another to act [or to refrain from acting] in a manner [they] otherwise would not [or would].
The Crimes we believe have been committed include the following:
• misfeasance in public office
• misconduct in public office
• conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm
• conspiracy to administer a poisonous and harmful substance to cause severe injury & death
• gross negligence manslaughter
• corporate manslaughter
• corruption
• fraud
• blackmail
• murder
• conspiracy to commit murder
• terrorism
• genocide
• torture
• crimes against humanity
• false imprisonment
• multiple breaches of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
• war crimes
• multiple violations of The Nuremberg Code 1947
• multiple violations of the Criminal Code of Canada
• other crimes which will be determined by the police investigation
This is it. This has to stop—and those behind it all must now be brought to justice.
Independent review of 325 autopsies post-"vaccination" finds that "vaccination" was the cause of death in 74% of cases
The most damaging paper of the pandemic has just been published in The Lancet
I was right. The COVID vaccines have killed massive numbers of people and the government covered it up.
The paper, published as a pre-print, shows 74% of deaths post-vax due to the vax.
Welcome to the Fourth Reich: Canadian Medical Journal Offers Guidelines for Euthanasia/Organ-Harvesting Non-Terminally Ill Patients
CANADA’S DEADLY RESPONSE TO COVID-19 - FC-PS237_CDADeadlyResponse_JL1621_F2.pdf (
The current violations of our Charter rights and freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights is unprecedented in Canadian history.
There has been mounting evidence of lockdown harms. Statistics Canada recently released a statement saying that, since the fall, the number of excess deaths has been higher than the number of deaths due to Covid, and these deaths are affecting younger populations. This suggests that other factors, including more opioid deaths and suicides caused by lockdowns, are now at play.
Ontario’s former Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Richard Schabas, who served as Chief of Staff at York Central hospital during the 2003 SARS crisis, has also spoken out against lockdowns saying, “Lockdown was never part of our planned pandemic response nor is it supported by strong science. Two recent studies on the effectiveness of lockdown show that it has, at most, a small COVID mortality benefit compared to more moderate measures. Both studies warned about the excessive cost of lockdowns.”
There are no provisions in any orders of any health minister, doctor, or provincial legislation that can, nor pretend that any measures can, override Charter or other pre-Charter constitutional rights.
All Statutes, Orders, By-laws, and Acts must be consistent with the Constitution...or they are of no force or effect.
Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982: The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.
According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian National Report on Immunization, 1996 “Vaccines are not mandatory in Canada and they cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution.”
If the Federal Government had invoked the Federal Emergencies Act, which it has not, even that Emergencies Act states:
AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency.
Employment, education, extra-curricular activities, or access to essential, or non-essential services is 100% guaranteed and protected under Section 7 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:
“Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.”
In Canada, a doctrine of informed consent regarding any medical treatment has become part of Canadian Federal law. According to Supreme Court rulings, no Canadian citizen is required to take any medical treatment without informed consent, which includes the right to refuse such treatment.
The Genetic Non-Discrimination Act, Bill S- 201, states that it is an indictable offence to force anyone to take an DNA/RNA test or deny any service, employment, or education opportunity to anyone who refuses to take such a test.
The punishment is a fine not exceeding $1,000,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or both.
In 1986, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in E. (Mrs.) v. Eve, 1986 CanLII 36 (SCC), [1986] 2 S.C.R. 3883, that forced medical testing violates the inviolability of the body and is unlawful.
The Court upheld this ruling in Engel v. Salyn 1993 CanLII 152 (SCC), [1993] 1 SCR 3064.
There is no law in Canada legislating that people must wear a mask because you cannot interfere with an individual’s right to breathe freely.
Extortion, committing tort, privacy violations, willful misconduct, assault and battery and acting in bad faith are serious indictable criminal code offences.
Interfering with someone's right to employment, education, extra-curricular activities or essential, or non-essential services, is a further violation of the Canadian Bill of Rights, Constitutional and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
You are personally not protected under any Act, Order or Statute that is in violation of the Canadian Rule of Law, Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
It is the duty of every Canadian citizen to uphold the law and respect the Bill of Rights, Constitution and Charter.
Let me be perfectly clear here. You have every right to stay at your home safely isolated. You have every right to wear a mask that you believe protects you (and if it does, remind me why I need to wear one please?).
Not only does no other person, or government have the authority to deny my rights, the dismissive attitude towards rights so someone doesn’t get upset, is supremely offensive to the sacrifices of those that came before us and gifted us with that beautiful Constitution.
Your individual rights are unalienable. You can’t give them away.
It is not the job of Mayor Redekop and the rest of the Council to take unconstitutional orders or violate the bill of rights, and if that were to happen, it is their duty and obligation to stand against and resist such an order in dealing with the domestic enemies even if it is the Prime Minister, The Premiers, The Mayors etc. If the laws are upheld the innocent will not be violated.
If any of you have signed a nondisclosure agreement with Pfizer, then you have demonstrated your allegiance to Pfizer over the people you are actually supposed to serve, endangering not only Canadian citizens but the rest of the world by concealing potentially life-saving data.
Indeed, You have willingly participated in the cover-up of evidence that now proves without a doubt that there are :
1. Serious side-effects of unknown duration, perhaps irreparable
2. Causalities: these were not just “coincidences”
3. Government corruption to hide these harms
4. Correlation between vaccine doses and deaths from multiple independent studies on multiple independent datasets.
All common law jurisdictions take note. This is sound legal advice for those who have acted in bad faith and have failed their professional standards and those who have merely failed their duty for the TIMELY provision of information and the others who have been recklessly negligent.
Many people have been murdered and harmed.
Every Family member of One who has died or suffered at YOUR HANDS or by your complicity ALSO has a claim against you at law.
Bad Faith is NOT covered by your "professional indemnity insurance".
When you have a group of people that decide that there can be only one point of view that's problematic and antithetical to science even after it became clear that the covid-19 gene therapy vaccine was injuring and killing people, you did not end the program. You instead expanded the program to more and more people with more and more injections. And that, to me, is the biggest evidence that the deaths and the injuries are intentional. And that’s what makes it a bioweapon, in my view.
Canadian Feds release Covid Vax injury counts by MedDRA code
2358 categories of injury
Canadian Feds release Covid Vax injury counts by MedDRA code
The Public Health Agency of Canada dropped this data package in my inbox that someone else filed, stemming from another investigation. The package contains injury counts by category, with 2358 categories listed. The data cutoff is 28 March 2022 — more than one year ago as of writing. Unlike the CDC VAERS system, Canada’s equivalent (‘CAEFISS’) does not pu…
Read more
The Canadian government pressured social media companies to censor users for saying things they didn't like — and we have the documents to prove it!
The admissions were made in an order paper reply to a question posed by Conservative MP for Niagara, Dean Allison.
Allison's query covered January 2020 to February 2023 and asked for any attempted or successful requests by any federal agency, including the CBC, to have user-generated content on social media removed, altered or otherwise censored through direct contact with social media companies
The men and women who are currently occupying high-level positions in the Canadian government or collaborating private sector entities, or who occupied such positions earlier in the development and deployment of the global Covid-19 bioterrorism campaign are war criminals.
Former CBC journalist tells national citizens inquiry that national broadcaster censored stories on Covid 19 vaccine harms
Summary list of the crimes:
war crimes as defined by the 1949 Geneva Conventions, Common Article 3
torture; cruel or inhuman treatment;
performing biological experiments; murder; mutilation or maiming; intentionally causing serious bodily injury;
outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment;
disloyalty of public office holders;
rebellion or insurrection; treason (levying war against the Canada or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort);
sedition; murder; attempted murder; conspiracy to commit murder; genocide;
development and use of biological and toxin weapons, chemical weapons and weapons of mass destruction;
terrorism; financing terrorism; harboring or concealing terrorists;
fraud; perjury; subornation of perjury;
falsification and concealment of material facts; concealment, removal or mutilation of public records;
theft; bribery; extortion; interference with commerce by threats, violence, robbery or extortion;
conspiracy against rights; deprivation of rights under color of law.
Due diligence has been used since at least the mid-fifteenth century in the literal sense “requisite effort.” Centuries later, the phrase developed a legal meaning, namely, “the care that a reasonable person takes to avoid harm to other persons or their property”.
The Government of Canada states:
Due diligence is the level of judgement, care, prudence, determination, and activity that a person would reasonably be expected to do under particular circumstances.
The provincial definitions are similar, with further clarification:
Due diligence is the ability to demonstrate that a person did what could reasonably be expected under their circumstances, in order to satisfy a legal requirement.
To prove that everything reasonable has been done and due diligence has been applied, it is necessary to consider the following items:
1) Foreseeability — could a reasonable person foresee that something could go wrong?
2) Preventability — is there an opportunity to prevent an injury or incident?
3) Control — who has the ability or responsibility to prevent an injury or incident from occurring?
The definition implies leaders are accountable to know their responsibilities and have the knowledge and skill required performing these duties. A further requirement is often stated that:
· they had or should have had the knowledge, and,
· had or should have had the skill.
There can be few more responsible positions during a pandemic than the Premier of a P/T, the Medical Officer of Health of a P/T, the Deputy Minister of Health of a Province/Territory, and the Head of the Health Agency for a P/T. The same is true for the federal equivalents.
Where a party has not completely fulfilled due diligence, they must be held accountable. The degree of negligence in the performance of their accountable responsibilities determines the possible severity of penalties. Lack of due diligence causing thousands of deaths is criminal negligence.
An area of tort law that deals with the breach of duty to take care and involves harm caused by carelessness, not intentional harm.
Five elements are required to establish a prima facie case of negligence:
1. the existence of a legal duty to exercise reasonable care,
2. a failure to exercise reasonable care,
3. cause in fact of physical harm by the negligent conduct,
4. physical harm in the form of actual damages; and,
5. proximate cause, a showing that the harm is within the scope of liability.
Gross Negligence:
Means any act or failure to act (whether sole, joint or concurrent) by a person or entity which was intended to cause, or which was in reckless disregard of or wanton indifference to, avoidable and harmful consequences such person or entity knew, or should have known, would result from such act or failure to act.
Gross Negligence (Medical Definition):
Any voluntary, intentional, and conscious act or omission committed by an individual, with reckless disregard for the consequences, esp. how they may affect another person’s life or property.
Criminal Negligence:
219 (1) Everyone is criminally negligent who:
(a) in doing anything, or,
(b) in omitting to do anything that it is his duty to do, shows wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons.
Definition of duty:
(2) For the purposes of this section, duty means a duty imposed by law.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 202
The Statutory Instruments Act
The purpose of this Act, among other things, is to examine how each piece of Federal legislation is implemented... and the clincher folks... to ENSURE IT DOES NOT TRESPASS ON OUR RIGHTS UNDER THE WONDERFUL CANADIAN BILL OF RIGHTS.
Here is the excerpt from the Act with the provision that preserves our rights under the Bill:
(2) On receipt by the Clerk of the Privy Council of copies of a proposed regulation pursuant to subsection (1), the Clerk of the Privy Council, in consultation with the Deputy Minister of Justice, shall examine the proposed regulation to ensure that
(a) it is authorized by the statute pursuant to which it is to be made;
(b) it does not constitute an unusual or unexpected use of the authority pursuant to which it is to be made;
(c) it does not trespass unduly on existing rights and freedoms and is not, in any case, inconsistent with the purposes and provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights; and
(d) the form and draftsmanship of the proposed regulation are in accordance with established standards.
Statutory Instruments Act
Federal laws of Canada
We live in one of the finest, most well developed democracies in the world that has taken centuries to develop. Not only has the parliamentary system evolved in our constitution which recognizes the people of Canada as the sovereign, we have a strong powerful piece of legislation in the Canadian Bill of Rights (CBR) that helps protect this country from tyrannical infiltration such as communism/globalism by politician's such as yourself.
The author of the CBR Prime Minister John Diefenbaker understood that Canada was at risk of communism replacing our democratic Canada’s political system. Diefenbaker told us that his proposed CBR would protect Canada from communism.
The method being used by our current Prime Minister and his Liberal Party to undermine our democracy and replace it with communist/globalists is primarily to destabilize the country and demoralize the people.
That comes straight out of the communist handbook.
You have all illegally Exceeded your authority in regards to the Canadian Bill of Rights/Universal and Human rights of the people.
The Canadian Bill of Rights.
The Canadian Bill of Rights and Freedoms opening statement:
“An Act for the Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms”
This statement indicates that the state is recognizing human rights and fundamental freedoms you already have i.e. God-given by virtue of being a human and the state is committing to protect these rights. Note this Act obligates the state including the Queen and puts no obligations on the human beings in Canada.
Preamble to the Bill:
The Parliament of Canada, affirming that the Canadian Nation is founded upon principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God, the dignity and worth of the human person and the position of the family in a society of free men and free institutions;
Affirming also that men and institutions remain free only when freedom is founded upon respect for moral and spiritual values and the rule of law;
And being desirous of enshrining these principles and the human rights and fundamental freedoms derived from them, in a Bill of Rights which shall reflect the respect of Parliament for its constitutional authority, and which shall ensure the protection of these rights and freedoms in Canada:
The Bill protects rights to equality before the law and ensures protection of the law. It protects the right to life, liberty, security of person and enjoyment of property and the freedoms of religion, speech, the press, and of assembly and association. It also guarantees legal rights such as the rights to counsel and a fair hearing.
PART I of the Bill
Recognition and declaration of rights and freedoms
1 It is hereby recognized and declared that in Canada there have existed and shall continue to exist without discrimination by reason of race, national origin, colour, religion or sex, the following human rights, and fundamental freedoms, namely,
(a) the right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property, and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law;
Section 1(a) has the protection that you cannot be deprived except by due process of law which means common law or judicial decision. Then in Section 2 of the Bill there would also have to be an Act of Parliament. This is an extremely strong legal provision. And in the view of the author the judicial decision should have to be made by a jury as only a jury can be impartial and independent of the state, not a judge.
Other provisions of Section 1.
(b) the right of the individual to equality before the law and the protection of the law;
(c) freedom of religion;
(d) freedom of speech;
(e) freedom of assembly and association; and
(f) freedom of the press.
Construction of law
Every law of Canada shall, unless it is expressly declared by an Act of the Parliament of Canada that it shall operate notwithstanding the Canadian Bill of Rights, be so construed and applied as not to abrogate, abridge or infringe or to authorize the abrogation, abridgement or infringement of any of the rights or freedoms herein recognized and declared,
The bottom line is that section 1(a) cannot be abridged unless there is a judicial decision calling for it and an Act of Federal Parliament to pass the reduction of right into law.
The Bill of Rights applies in all cases where force is used because this is federally regulated activity (Criminal Code of Canada) when they are using force.
And the Bill can be cited without notice in all proceedings related to Covid-19 measures where force is used. This includes bylaw tickets, criminal charges and section 22 closures of churches or businesses.
The Bill of Rights was presented to the federal parliament in Canada by John Diefenbaker and passed into law in 1960. The Bill was an attempt to codify all your common law rights which back the Bill up when used in formal proceedings. When citizens such as myself use the Bill, we do not have to argue whether there was a good enough reason our rights are violated. A Canadian citizen only has to show our rights are violated to seek a remedy.
Diefenbaker was very concerned about keeping communism out of Canada and the Bill was the tool he believed would work to do the job. Here is a famous quote by Diefenbaker he made when the Bill passed:
“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship GOD in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.”
― John G. Diefenbaker
The court must proceed when a citizen cites the Canadian Bill of Rights. When a citizen such as myself first establishes that my rights are violated then the court is bound by the dictates of the common law decisions to uphold my rights and fashion a remedy.
As well under the Bill I can have a jury in matters where my rights are violated.
Although the Bill only applies to federal matters all COVID-19 measures involving law enforcement and use of force are regulated by Section 25 of the Criminal Code of Canada CCC and therefore the enforcement falls under the provisions of the Bill. This includes when a private citizen is enforcing law as in the case of masks and vaccine passports.
This case law R. v. Asante-Mensah, 2003 SCC 38 (CanLII), [2003] 2 SCR 3 demonstrates that the CCC regulations apply to the use of force including those used by private citizens. The Supreme Court applied the regulatory conditions of the CCC to the actions of a private citizen under the Trespass to Property Act of Ontario i.e. provincial law. This case law shows that use of force is federally regulated and therefore subject to the Bill.
This would include when you are being forced to comply with Covid-19 measures or when the state is forcing you as a business owner to enforce mask requirements and vaccination passports by force. If they do not have a mask or a passport where you are legally required to enforce you must use force to keep them out of your business.
Under the Trespass to Property Act of Ontario you have to apply the force yourself or call the police to enforce otherwise they will shut down your business under the Health Promotion and Protection Act with a court order and potentially jail you if you disobey a related court order.
The Charter of Rights section 26 provides that any rights and freedoms that existed in law before the Charter are still in effect. As well post Charter the Statutory Instruments Act 1985 and the Emergency Act 1988 both refer to the need of the government to respect the provisions of the Bill. And there are hundreds of case laws based on the Bill after the Charter.
But most importantly God's law is the supreme Law of Canada. Both the Charter and the Bill in the preamble confirm that both documents are based on the Supremacy of God.
All police, bylaw, public health, conservation authorities and private citizens enforcing the COVID measures must abide by the provisions of the Bill of Rights because all law enforcement is regulated through the Criminal Code of Canada and are therefore a federal matter and have obligations to regard the provisions of the Bill.
Please refer to the Emergency Act paragraph 3 section 3 and 6 and you will see that Trudeau did not bring this act in legally. He was not to violate our rights and he did, he was to have a good reason under section 3 and he did not. And he was to seek permission under section 6 from the entire federal cabinet including the senate before invoking he could have the power to create laws without going through parliament and he did not do this.
Medical Code of Ethics
Doctors in Canada ascribe to a Canadian Medical Association Code of Ethics. They are licensed in their P/T by their College of Physicians. Their College of Physicians are tasked to ensure the Doctors adhere to this Code of Ethics.
Fundamental Commitments of the Medical Profession are stated below:
Commitment to the well-being of the patient.
Consider first the well-being of the patient; always act to benefit the patient and promote the good of the patient.
Provide appropriate care and management across the care continuum.
Take all reasonable steps to prevent or minimize harm to the patient; disclose to the patient if there is a risk of harm or if harm has occurred.
Recognize the balance of potential benefits and harms associated with any medical act; act to bring about a positive balance of benefits over harms.
Two fundamental commitments in the Code of Ethics are:
· Take all reasonable steps to prevent or minimize harm to the patient; disclose to the patient if there is a risk of harm or if harm has occurred.
· Recognize the balance of potential benefits and harms associated with any medical act; act to bring about a positive balance of benefits over harms.
In a pandemic, for a P/T MOH, the patient is the residents of the P/T. For Canada, the patient is the residents of Canada.
In addition, again considering the patient is the residents of the jurisdiction a fundamental requirement of a physician (the MOH) is to ensure informed consent:
Informed consent/Disclosure of information
For consent to treatment to be considered valid, it must be an “informed” consent.
The patient must have been given an adequate explanation about the nature of the proposed investigation or treatment and its anticipated outcome as well as the significant risks involved and alternatives available. The information must be such as will allow the patient to reach an informed decision. In situations where the patient is not mentally capable, the discussion must take place with the substitute decision maker.
The obligation to obtain informed consent must always rest with the physician who is to carry out the treatment or investigative procedure. This obligation may be delegated in appropriate circumstances (to a PGY trainee for example) but before assigning this duty to another, the treating physician should be confident the delegate has the knowledge and experience to provide adequate explanations to the patient.
In special circumstances, an obligation of pre-treatment disclosure may fall to more than one physician involved in the care. For example, a radiologist carrying out an invasive diagnostic procedure would likely be seen as responsible for explaining how the test will be done and the risks attendant upon it. The physician who ordered the test might also be expected to tell the patient, in general terms, about the nature and purpose of the test and alternatives which might be employed.
The bottom line:
· The patient must have been given an adequate explanation about the nature of the proposed investigation or treatment and its anticipated outcome as well as the significant risks involved and alternatives available.
· The obligation to obtain informed consent must always rest with the physician who is to carry out the treatment or investigative procedure.
These Code of Ethics commitments and fundamental obligations are paramount in a pandemic.
Science and Beliefs A statement frequently used during this pandemic is that the response was “science-led”, or that this is a “science-based response”. There is a complete difference between science and beliefs.
Definitions for each are below.
Oxford Dictionary
Science – the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior's of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Science Council Definition
Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.
Scientific methodology includes the following:
· Objective observation: Measurement and data (possibly although not necessarily
using mathematics as a tool)
· Evidence
· Experiment and/or observation as benchmarks for testing hypotheses
· Induction: reasoning to establish general rules or conclusions drawn from facts or
· Repetition
· Critical analysis
· Verification and testing: critical exposure to scrutiny, peer review and assessment
Belief noun something believed;
· an opinion or conviction: a belief that the earth is flat.
· confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief.
· confidence; faith; trust: a child’s belief in his parents.
· a religious tenet or tenets; religious creed or faith: the Christian belief.
Beginning with the authoritarian dictatorship led lockdown in Wuhan at the outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic, there has been a belief that “lockdowns” are effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 and that they are an effective tool in reducing deaths.
For this belief to become science-based, the “theory” that lockdowns are effective needed to be subjected to objective observation, review of actual evidence, reasoning to draw conclusions from facts, critical analysis, and verification to peer review and assessment.
This type of “belief” could equally apply to the flawed modeling results, used to create fear to justify lockdowns.
Canada's Justin Trudeau on the unvaccinated: “They don’t believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist....This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people?"
The Law in Canada:
Section 319(1): Publicly inciting hatred—makes it an offence to communicate statements in a public place which incite hatred against an identifiable group, where it is likely to lead to a breach of the peace. The Crown prosecutor can proceed either by indictment or by summary process.
The Prime Minister has been inciting hatred for over 2 years. What the Canadian news was reporting was NOT the truth. The media knowingly misled the Canadian public with support of the government. Does this not constitute a crime? Yes, it does as per Section 319(1) of the criminal code
How many women does Trudeau have to sexually abuse and pay to keep quiet before you realize he's the misogynist? How many times does he have to paint his face black before you realize he's the racist? How many bank accounts does he have to seize and how many freedoms does he have to take before you realize he's the fascist? How many millions does he have to give to terrorists before you realize he's the terrorist? How many people have to die from the mRNA vax before you realize he committed fraud and democide? How many lies does he have to tell before you realize he's a liar?
I Demand that Trudeau be charged with Treason under section 46 2(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
Politicians and government employees are to be the PUBLIC SERVANTS of The Canadian People. Yet You Thunder about Thumping your chests Like a Gorilla. Demanding the people whom you were meant to serve bow at your feet. You derived your authority to rule from the CONSENT of the Governed. Yet You now treat the public as mere cattle held in stocks meant for purchase and or slaughter. You never had such authority given to you in the constitution or by consent.
You are not all powerful or all knowing, you are at best a bully with a shitty attitude. Proclaiming yourselves to be leaders when many of you are nothing more than liars perverts and common thieves. Thieves who whore yourselves out to anyone other than those you espouse to represent.
You refuse to be held to the same standards you expect the public to be held to.
Recently you promoted, and pushed the public to partake in a deadly test and cocktail of poison you called the Covid vaccine.
Furthermore you conspired with a foreign Criminal organization to produce a toxic untested concoction upon a weary mass of people told to fear a 99% survivable virus.
As a Result thousands here in Canada have died or become disabled and you have aided in the hiding and refusal of disclosing such facts.
You also allowed such treatment to be used on toddlers and children rather than ending the murderous practice.
This is a form of Democide and a violation of law.
There is no court in this nation or in the earth that has the authority to give anyone Absolution for what you did and have allowed to transpire since.
You are in violation of so many criminal statutes here and abroad it is unfathomable.
You continue to illegally and unlawfully violate The Canadian Bill of Rights as well as continually propagate propaganda and lies that would even make both Hitler and Stalin Blush.
My freedom does not reside in a piece of paper or decree from government, nor do my rights come from man but from God.
This nation has become a disgusting pool of filth and degradation of the likes not seen since Sodom and Gomorrah.
It is not the job of the government to indoctrinate the masses or censor truth. Thus and as such the Government now before us is fraudulent in nature. It is an imitation and an illegal fraud foisted upon we the people by elitists and criminals. All political parties have become mobs and mafias of filth and destruction.
Special interests and corporations thrive on government welfare that is funded by taxpayers in an illegal manner. This allows Government to pick and choose winners and losers of wealth and power. This is by the very definition an illegal racket and monopoly on power.
Thus, explain to us all why it is that anyone should ever choose to partake in your illegal services and unconstitutional paradigms ever again?
You have served to make the elite and political class wealthy while crushing underfoot the will and wellbeing of the people.
You violated your oaths of office once you began to adhere to the will of foreign entities and nations acting in such a way as to violate the rights of the people for foreign interests.
Never are politicians held to account with any reasonable acceptance. Even if you bastards do go to jail it's an elitist style country club that acts as a vacation spot rather than a prison of reform. It is dishonest and disgusting to claim any politician is ever held to the same standards as their constituents or counterparts.
Such a disgusting display of power is unacceptable.
Rather than law enforcement do their actual and articulated jobs to arrest such criminals in power they are told to run out and harass often innocent and poor people so that government can expand more and grow by leaps and bounds.
Since when did it become legal for government entities to control media and or pay for propaganda and puff pieces?
So I ask how much longer are you going to play out this charade?
How much longer before you attempt to collapse this nation, destroy the people take all that they have and run to leave us defenseless against our enemies?
I want to know why media refuses to touch these subjects?
I want to know when government became so unaccountable?
PM Trudeau and Health Minister Teresa Tam along with all in government are fronts to hide the evil and disgusting truth. That your claims of the mRNA vaccines being “safe and effective is a fraud and an arrestable offence.
I demand Justice for the dead at the hands of Every single politician at the federal, Provincial and local level that aided in the wholesale slaughter and murder of millions.
The collateral damage and the seemingly intended consequences of these health measures are growing exponentially, not just in terms of economic damage, but also measured in lives.
I see strong evidence that the health measures have achieved nothing, or worse, are actually increasing the risks to our most vulnerable and we are concerned that in an effort to do good, panicked governments worldwide are converting themselves into authoritarian police states that are trampling the rights and freedoms of their citizens.
The Canadian government has increasingly shown a disturbing and even aggressive opposition to The Canadian Bill of Rights.
Do vaccines stop the spread of disease? (No)
Do vaccines stop infection from the disease “vaccinated against?” (No)
Was there an original way of stopping the spread of disease without toxicity? (Yes – Homeopathy ect.)
Do vaccines lower death rate? (No)
Do vaccines destroy immune capacity? (Yes)
Are the unvaccinated a threat to society? (No)
Do vaccines cause autism and numerous other health ailments? (Yes)
Are the unvaccinated healthier than the vaccinated? (Yes)
Are there effective natural ways to help the body recover from infection? (Yes)
Are there any benefits whatsoever from vaccination? (No)
Is the vaccine industry liable for the death, harm and destruction it causes to humanity? (No)
So what is the REAL purpose of vaccination and the forced vaccination of humanity?
You people who have extended your powers - seemingly indefinitely - forced the jabs on others through lies, shame, bribes and coercion - who created a divisive country based on this sham, and all of the above listed topics, are still supporting every claim under the “We trusted the Science”, “Safe and Effective”, “The vaccines saved lives” and of course, “We did what we had to do to keep Canadians Safe”.
The liberal government has funded studies to show that they did really good during this pandemic…but in actuality, we now know:
•14-day lockdowns that are 3 years old, still haven’t ‘flattened the curve’;
• Social distancing by way of distance was a random number pulled out of a hat;
• Bumping elbows, arrows on floors and Plexiglas were complete failures just by way of conception…they stood no chance at working;
• Masks caused harm and never worked at reducing transmission of COVID;
• Kids were never at danger; meaning… An Emergency Authorization for a Vaccine where there was Never an Emergency, with no long-term studies and that couldn’t prevent transmission, was criminal;
• Segregation based on Vaccine Passports is Illegal;
• Apps on your phone never stood a snowballs chance in hell at stopping a respiratory virus;
• For anybody under the age of 60, you are 13x more likely to be injured by the vaccines than you would be to die from COVID…and even then, you have to be in really terrible shape to die from COVID and you can be harmed at your physical peak by the vaccines;
• The time to measure effectiveness from the vaccines starts on DAY ONE - not 2 weeks following each jab; so when you measure Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths from COVID you will get a true sense if the vaccines actually worked or created surges in cases within that 14 day period;
• There is currently 1,888 MORE COVID DEATHS in 2022 than there were in 2021. This is a 13% INCREASE in COVID mortality in the current 10 Months of Data than were in the 12 MONTHS PRIOR, while we had the benefit of almost 2 full years to fix things;
• The same High Risk people from All Cause Mortality were 100% of the Deaths from COVID because our medical system is a complete fucking failure!
These questions need to be asked, and responded to with fully qualified answers.
1. Did you ever receive information from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZenneca, J&J or Novavax saying that the vaccines “Stopped Transmission of COVID”?
2. Do the current statistics support the fact that the vaccines have Never Stopped Transmission of COVID?
3. Was there ever an Emergency for any healthy person, in Canada, from COVID?
4. Was there “True Informed Consent” ever offered to anybody who was vaccinated for COVID?
5. Would any Restrictions throughout the last 3 years on Civil Liberties afforded to all Canadians, under the Canadian Chart of Rights and Freedoms, hold up to the Oakes Test?
6. Give me the complete list of vaccine ingredients currently in circulation in our country
7. Certify that the vaccine you plan to inject me does not contain MRC5 (cells from aborted fetuses or traces of human DNA), which would go against my principles
8. Certify that there is no risk of iatrogenic reactions
9. Inform me of all the contraindications and all the potential side effects, repairable or irreparable, in the short, medium and long terms
10. Certify unequivocally and in good faith, in compliance with article 13 of the Oviedo Convention that this technology does not have the potential to modify human DNA thanks to what called reverse transcriptase, which explicitly allows the transfer of information from mRNA to DNA
11. Certify that this vaccine does not contain HIV virus inserts
12. Certify that the vaccine does not contain a chip 'Identification by Radiofrequency (Rfid) or nanotechnology in any form
13. Certify that all the medical parameters concerning the required tests and studies have been met
14. Specify what are the other possible treatments to fight against SARS-CoV-2 by detailing the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment, within the meaning of article 2 of the Nuremberg Code.
In addition, please give me a simple yes or no answer to the following questions:
1. If I get vaccinated, can I stop wearing a mask?
2. If I get the vaccine, can I stop social distancing?
3. If I get the vaccine, do I still have to follow the curfew?
4. If my parents, grandparents and I are all vaccinated, can we hug each other again?
5. If I get vaccinated, will I be resistant to Covid and its many variants and for how long?
6. If I get vaccinated, will I avoid severe forms with hospitalization, as well as death?
7. If I get the vaccine, will I be contagious to others?
8. If I experience a serious adverse reaction, long-term (as yet unknown) effects that even lead to death, will I (or my family) be compensated?
Best regards,
Derek Crane, Canadian Citizen/Veteran
Fort Erie, ON
**The following is a mountain of evidence that warrants the suspension of all mRNA vaccines and criminal investigations as irrefutable science shows that the COVID 19 vaccine is NOT safe.
The “safe and effective” false propaganda, put out by public officials who now are continuing to push this vaccine, is a clear breach of duty.
From here…to Criminal Court with all of YOU, and immediately removed from your Taxpaid Jobs and forced to fend for yourselves like the rest of Canada has.
Vaccine Efficacy and Waning Protection:
4th dose wanes faster than 3rd:
3rd dose is ~0% effective after 6 months:
Vax protection from infection wanes quickly:
4th vax dose wanes quickly:
Study finds vax efficacy decreases with age:
Omicron variant more infectious for vaccinated than unvaccinated people:
New study finds COVID-19 vaccines may reduce immunity over time:
Vaccine Side Effects and Risks:
Increased risk of myocarditis after vax:
Further evidence of vax myocarditis risk:
Vax reduces male fertility for months:
More evidence of heart issues from vax:
Moderna vaccine may increase heart inflammation:
Post-vax heart issues more common than previously thought:
COVID-19 vaccine found to increase risk of blood clots:
Heart inflammation risk may be higher with Moderna than Pfizer:
COVID-19 vaccines may cause long-term damage to immune system:
More evidence links COVID-19 vaccines to heart issues:
Study links COVID-19 vaccines to increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome:
New study suggests that COVID-19 vaccines increase risk of heart inflammation in young adults:
COVID-19 vaccines may increase risk of blood clots in some people:
Vaccine Mandates and Policy:
Vax mandates caused more harm than good:
Judge rules against vax mandates:
Judge blocks Biden’s federal vax mandate:
UK begins vax damage payments:
Majority of COVID-19 vaccine injury claims rejected by federal program:
Vaccine Administration and Reporting:
Weak justification to vax kids:
Vax passports failed to work:
director says vax underperformed in kids:
UK vaccine approval process questioned:
Experts warn against vaccinating kids for Covid:
US stopped tracking vaccine side effects:
Vaccine trials exclude minorities:
Research reveals vax injuries underreported:
vax side effects are underreported by up to 98%:
Vaccine injury claims underreported by up to 99%:
Vaccine Development and Trial Issues:
COVID-19 vaccine trials exclude minorities:
UK vaccine approval process questioned:
Miscellaneous Vaccine Topics:
Vax breakthrough cases are common:
Experts warn against vaccinating kids for Covid:
US stopped tracking vaccine side effects:
Mounties 4 Freedom – Druthers News & Information
Mounties For Freedom Open Letter to the Governor General
Mounties For Freedom Open Letter to the Attorney General Honourable David Lametti
This is a letter that was written in March of 2022 by a psychologist. It is addressed to Dr. Bonnie Henry and is regarding a vaccine mandate for private, provincially regulated healthcare workers that had been announced in February of 2022. This particular mandate turned out to be an empty threat. It is worth noting, however, that a previous mandate implemented in October of 2021 for healthcare workers in hospitals is still in effect in BC, despite critical staffing shortages throughout the province.
Dear Dr. Bonnie Henry - Freedom to Choose
This is a letter written by a former BC Registered Nurse to BC Nurses Union (BCNU) who left when her freedom to choose was taken from her in October of 2021. She’s now a valuable asset in Montana’s healthcare system while our healthcare system is on the brink of collapse.
A Nurses Letter - Freedom to Choose
From the Experience of a Concerned Occupational Therapist: Development and Masking in Children
From the Experience of a Concerned Occupational Therapist: Development and Masking in Children - Freedom to Choose
BC Physicians for Science and Ethics Letter Re: Duty to Report Negative Impacts on Health from Covid-19 Vaccine
BC Physicians for Science and Ethics Letter - Freedom to Choose
Bonnie Henry Vaccine Injury Emails Freedom of Information Release: “Public Health Experts” or “Public Relations Experts”?
Bonnie Henry Vaccine Injury Emails Freedom of Information Release: “Public Health Experts” or “Public Relations Experts”? - Freedom to Choose
Facing the Face-Masking Facts
Facing the Face-Masking Facts - Freedom to Choose
Senior health officials, including Canada’s Dr. Teresa Tam and United States’ Dr. Anthony Fauci have publicly acknowledged that the covid vaccine may not prevent infection or transmission of the virus - see VIDEO of Dr. Tam at 3:20 minute mark Vaccine may not be a 'silver bullet' to end COVID-19 pandemic warns Tam - YouTube
Vaccine manufacturers claim that the Covid-19 vaccine is 95 percent “effective.” Manufacturers can make this claim because the FDA is allowing the manufacturers to define effectiveness as “prevention of mild symptoms.” Their efficacy studies have not demonstrated that the vaccine causes a reduction in severe illness, hospitalization or death.
Know the Facts 8.5 x 11"English Feb 11 2021 (
So , ‘Dr. ‘ Trudeau , Are We To Believe You Or The Science ?
So , ‘Dr. ‘ Trudeau , Are We To Believe You Or The Science ? | peckford42 (
A video response from Justin Trudeau, where he openly states that Current COVID deaths are Higher now than have been in the same time during the last 2 years –
View Here Trudeau Logic - More People are Dying Now than did in the Last 2 Years. (
This information is publicly posted - by official Government Sources. They have this information, so either they are not paying attention and are guilty of Criminally Negligent Homicide…Or they’ve looked at it, know exactly what is happening and are guilty of Pre-Meditated Murder. There’s no 3rd option.
Boosters - Criminally Negligent Homicide or Pre-Meditated Murder? (
Before you vaccinate your healthy kids with the COVID-19 vaccine, consider: Do You Have ALL THE INFORMATION
We, a group of Canadian Physicians And Nurses From Across Canada Say——- | peckford42 (
Investigation into Criminal Allegations Concerning Covid 19 Response
Criminal Charges Letter to Police Rev 6.0 Aug 6, 2022 (
Criminal Allegations Concerning Covid 19 Response ONTARIO MAIN REPORT
Investigation into Covid 19 Response ONTARIO Rev 1 July 1 2022 (
A Letter to MP Dr. Stephen Ellis
Scientific evidence that covid is a crime – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Scientific evidence that covid is a crime – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (
VACCINE GENOCIDE-Many millions of people around the world are dying, and hundreds of millions are permanently disabled, after being injected with the experimental vaccines that are being mandated by governments. World leading scientists are ringing the alarm bell as loud as they can.
Millions worldwide are dying from these experimental injections (
34 medical doctors from around the world issue a urgent warning for humanity not to take the Covid vaccines. They explain why they are very dangerous and could cost you your life.
Medical Doctors Worldwide Warn Against The C-Injections (
Arrest Doug Ford RE: Breach of Trust by Public Officer-This is an urgent appeal to Police to arrest Doug Ford for Breach of Trust by Public Officer, Criminal Code (
April 25 2021 - Letter to All Ontario Police -.pdf (
Did You Know that in February 2021.... Only 2 -1/2 months into the VXX program, FDA requested that Pfizer carry out an analysis of some 42,000 Injury Reports! You will be shocked to find out what they knew, and how incomplete and unreliable the data was that they used. This was data from the voluntary reporting system VAERS in the United States
Did you rely on the Government to provide you with Safety information about the Vx? If you did, you will be shocked to find out what they did not tell you. Episode 7 of our show explores the True Facts related to the risks to you and your family of C19 and then we compare those risks to what Health Canada reported concerning the risks and safety of the Vx.
Thank You to MP Ted Falk! Wow, a member of Parliament who is actually taking the side of the Canadian People. Congratulation Mr. Falk! You should watch this short video of Mr. Falk speaking in Parliament about the Government response to C19! Email;
From the National Library of Medicine
I thought some of you might be interested in reading this article, which was published on the NIH Library of Medicine site. The Tide has turned!
To see Bonnie Henry’s emails proving knowledge of harm of vaccines:
To see the legal challenge that is happening worldwide:
To see hundreds of hours of doctors speaking out:
Important legal documents to your rights as Canadian citizen:
Proof of Genocide: Dr. David Martin lays it out for you:
The only proof anyone should need:
Alarming uptick in cancers since jab rollout:
3 times more covid deaths since vaccine rollout:
One America Insurance CEO reports 40% increase in death claims since vaccine rollout:
Open Letter to the Honourable Premier Danielle Smith
Open Letter to the Honourable Premier Danielle Smith - Health Professionals & Frontline Workers United (
Over 1000 Scientific Studies showing harm from Covid-19 Vaccines
Analysis of UK MHRA, US VAERS, Australian TGA, Europe EMA medicine regulator data showing at least 77,000 dead and 7.3 million injured by COVID vaccines. Numbers actually much higher as medicine regulators estimate only 1-10% of adverse events are actually reported
Florida Surgeon General recommends against males 18-39 receiving mRNA vaccines after study shows modestly increased risk of cardiac-related deaths within 28 days of vaccination
Increase Athlete Collapses and Deaths since Covid vaccine rollout
Significant increase in “sudden and unexpected deaths” of young Canadian doctors since vaccine rollout
Ill-defined and unknown causes of death now Alberta’s #1 killer. Was #10 in 2019. Why is SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) now a thing?
Ontario's two top doctors were caught discussing their announcements on a hot mic just prior to hosting a press conference on December 14.
“I don't know why I bring all these papers, I never look at them” Ontario Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Barbara Yaffe says, referring to the stack of notes she brought along with her. “I just say whatever they write down for me,” Yaffe says with a chuckle.
Top Ontario doctors say “I just say whatever they write down for me” - Rebel News
Dr Theresa Tam in 2010: “You could track people, put bracelets on their arms…” during epidemics
Dr Theresa Tam in 2010: “You could track people, put bracelets on their arms…” during epidemics - Rebel News
Premiers, fully lift the lockdown and commence an investigation! Hydroxychloroquine, confirmed an effective treatment. Who will pay for the lives lost?
Letter to Premiers, fully lift the lockdown and commence an investigation | Action4Canada
Unlawful Masking of Children
Unlawful Masking of Children | Action4Canada
LISTS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDIES ON KEY COVID-19 TOPICS - We would like to recognize and thank TBOF Advisor, Dr. Paul Alexander Dr. Paul Alexander | Substack for compiling these critical studies into a single location, hosted by the Brownstone Institute. We strongly encourage you to subscribe to his Substack, Dr. Paul Alexander | Substack and support his critical work.
Each of these links will provide you with direct access to dozens to hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific articles, organized by key COVID-19 topics.
A. C-19 Restrictions & Mandates
Efficacy of COVID-19 Measures (e.g., lockdowns) More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions (Lockdowns, Restrictions, Closures) ⋆ Brownstone Institute
School Closure Harms 75 Studies and Articles Against COVID-19 School Closures ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Vaccine Mandate Efficacy 61 Efficacy Studies that Rebuke Vaccine Mandates ⋆ Brownstone Institute
B. Natural Immunity
Affirming Natural Immunity against C-19 160 Plus Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted ⋆ Brownstone Institute
C. Vaccine Safety
Dr. Alexander also brought the following list list ( of 1,250+ peer-reviewed studies demonstrating adverse effects in COVID-19 vaccines.
The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are not working as our health officials and politicians said they would. They are not effective effective ( , and they are not safe Covid Boosters Aren’t for Everyone - WSJ (check out TBOF’s COVID-19 Resources to learn more about the vaccines and the impacts of other pandemic measures). INFORMED CONSENT PACKAGE - Taking Back Our Freedoms (
These experimental pharmaceuticals are harming Canadians and have been used to divide, discriminate, and persecute Canadians. Our family members, colleagues, friends, and neighbours have lost their jobs and regularly dehumanized, including by the Prime Minister himself . WARMINGTON: Opposition silent on PM's hatred of the unvaccinated | Toronto Sun
COVID-19: The More Shots You Get, the More Likely You’ll Get Infected
COVID-19: The More Shots You Get, the More Likely You’ll Get Infected (
A Case Report Showing Spike Protein in Heart, Brain
A Case Report Showing Spike Protein in Heart, Brain (
Esteemed Cardiologist: ‘Stop This Rollout NOW’ It’s a scandal of gargantuan degrees. Some are even calling the cover up of deaths and permanent disabilities in those who have taken the mRNA COVID shots to be the biggest story in the world. From everyday citizens to high-profile entertainment figures to leading government and world health leaders like British Medical Association honorary vice president Kailash Chand, these shots are not only harming, but killing, countless numbers of people, and it’s time to stop the rollout
Esteemed Cardiologist: ‘Stop This Rollout NOW’ (
Vaccine Safety Data Show 7.7% Who Got the Jabs Needed Medical Care
Vaccine Safety Data Show 7.7% Who Got the Jabs Needed Medical Care (
Florida Announces Grand Jury Investigation of mRNA Vaccine Manufacturers. Apparently fed up with the steady stream of injury reports connected to the COVID shots — or maybe just eager to get some answers on their safety — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is asking for a grand jury to look into it.
Florida Announces Grand Jury Investigation of mRNA Vaccine Manufacturers (
Letter for Sheila | Stand4THEE
We will never lock down again. This is the hill on which we die. Never again!
Human Rights Lawyer, Lee Dundas
Lee_Dundas (
On April 17, 2020, the Justice Centre sent letters to Prime Minister Trudeau, and to each of the ten Premiers publicly asking questions about the cost – in human life and human health – of government measures which violate the fundamental Charter freedoms of Canadians to move, travel, associate, assemble, and practice one’s faith. Replies, if any, are listed.
Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau (
Letter to Premier Ball (
• Response from Attorney General of Ontario on behalf of Premier Ball. (
Letter to Premier Ford (
Letter to Premier Higgs (
Letter to Premier Horgan (
• Response from Attorney General of BC on behalf of BC Premier (
Letter to Premier Kenney (
Letter to Premier King (
Letter to Premier Legault (
Response from Quebec in French (
Rough translation (not official) in English (
Letter to Premier McNeil (
Nova Scotia premier letter response (
Letter to Premier Moe (
Letter From Sask Minister of Justice (
Letter to Premier Pallister (
• Letter From Attorney General of Manitoba (
Covid Statistics by Province, all time (March 2020 to date accessed). All data is taken directly from government sources.
Covid Statistic | Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (
Health Canada Adverse Event Reports - 50,545 adverse events 50,545 adverse events reported ( reported as of Aug 19, 2022. Health Canada is stating there have only been 370 reports of death and then try to make that zero deaths by stating: “206 reports of deaths could not be assessed due to insufficient information; 115 reports of deaths are unlikely linked to a COVID-19 vaccine; and 49 reports of death are still under investigation”. Basically trying to imply that there has not been a single death associated with the jabs… Whilst in the US, the VAERS data VAERS data ( is now showing 30,796 deaths (triple the number of deaths associated with ALL other vaccines combined since 1990).
Charter Rights Resources – includes vide of Hon. Brian Peckford speaking on the Charter of Rights Freedoms
Charter Right Resources | Action4Canada
The truth about Covid-19;
it has a lower mortality rate than the flu CDC flu estimates
2022-2023 U.S. Flu Season: Preliminary In-Season Burden Estimates | CDC
Fauci quietly admitted in March that Covid is on par with annual flu
2022-2023 U.S. Flu Season: Preliminary In-Season Burden Estimates | CDC
on January 27th Health Minister, Patty Hadju admitted that “the risk of contracting coronavirus is low, there are risks of contracting other viruses in Canada that are much higher”.
Airport screening for viruses is back, despite post-SARS study that found it to be of little use | National Post
Death certificates are being falsified to list Covid 19 as cause of death even when it is unrelated. Hospitals receive up to triple the funding for Covid cases. View Here View Here (
hospital emergencies are empty… B.C., U.S.A. U.S.A. Ottawa, Ottawa
Three hospitals in BC with names and dates showing far less than average activity since lockdown - 3speak - Tokenised video communities
essential life-saving surgeries are cancelled and not available, organ transplants have been suspended & viable organs from deceased donors aren’t being used,
the media are using staged ICU’s shown in Europe and then reporting the same images in New York View Here - YouTube
New York TimesCovid-Coffins.png (724×960) ( lied about death tolls in Italy using an image of mass coffins from a 2013 article
Italy lied about their fatalities - YouTube
More info Here Italy is Lying About Their Coronavirus Death Numbers - YouTube
The elderly are being held hostage in their rooms for over a month and are suffering severe emotional and mental duress, even death (this is extreme abuse against the elderly)
Bill Gates wants Citizens around the world to be chipped and certified chipped and certified ( and forced to take vaccines. No vaccine, no job: Eugenicist Bill Gates (whose father was on the board of Planned Parenthood/mother, the board of IBM) demands “digital certificates” to prove coronavirus vaccination status. In November 2019 the Pirbright Institute, funded by Bill Gates - YouTube, was granted a patent for a coronavirus vaccine to treat humans. Gates claims the virus will keep coming back until people have a vaccine. Anthony Fauci is also recommending certificates of immunity. Fauci: Coronavirus immunity cards for Americans are ‘being discussed’ - POLITICO
Gates is on record saying he wants to lessen the world population by 10-15% through vaccines. (View Here) - YouTube So it is interesting that he would also admit that Covid is not as fatal as MERS or Sars (which is supported by the CDC who reports the flu is more fatal than covid). It appears that Gates admittedly has one objective in pushing for a vaccine, population control.
The further problem with the whole charade of waiting for a vaccine is that testing for a coronavirus vaccine has been going on for decades and NO safe vaccine has been developed that does not include significant risks
- YouTube
However, these facts have not deterred Justin Trudeau from claiming a safe vaccine will be available in 12-18 months. *Fierce Pharma reports it will take 5 years. 5 years (
Elizabeth Johnston said, “The world has already seen these “cards” (vaccine passports/I.D. chips), they were called kennkarte or Ausweis, and they were instrumental in allowing the Nazi regime complete control over the daily life and movements of German citizens”.
Open Letter To Saskatchewan Legislators, Premier Moe and Dr. Shahab January 27, 2021
Open Letter To Saskatchewan Legislators, Premier Moe and Dr. Shahab (
An Open Letter to the Media of Saskatchewan
An Open Letter to the Media of Saskatchewan (
The Forced COVID-19 Vaccination of Children: A Crime in Progress.
The Forced COVID-19 Vaccination of Children: A Crime in Progress. | peckford42 (
US vaccine-related deaths increasing rapidly—Swiss Policy Research Highlights
US vaccine-related deaths increasing rapidly—Swiss Policy Research Highlights | peckford42 (
This clearly means that ALL the positive tests in the past are CONFIRMED to no longer be accurate! TRANSLATION: the number of positive case to date IS FALSELY HIGH !!!
Canadian Scientists and Doctors Face Censorship, Slander, and Intimidation – July 1, 2021
Canadian Scientists and Doctors Face Censorship, Slander, and Intimidation (
Open Letter to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia – May 10, 2021
Open Letter to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia | Stand for Health Freedom
Position Paper: COVID Vaccine Injury Compensation – March 22, 2021
Position Paper: COVID Vaccine Injury Compensation (
Canadian PM Trudeau Incites Hatred and Hostility Towards Unvaccinated, He Violated Hate Speech Laws, Warranting Legal Action
URGENT CANADA: Canadian PM Trudeau Incites Hatred and Hostility Towards Unvaccinated | Stand for Health Freedom
Canadian Medical Malpractice Law in 2011: Missing the Mark on Patient Safety
Canadian Medical Malpractice Law in 2011: Missing the Mark on Patient Safety - Canada Health Alliance
COVID Boosters Trigger Metastasis
COVID Boosters Trigger Metastasis - Canada Health Alliance
Vaccine-induced Turbo Cancer: T-cell Lymphoma Can Progress Rapidly Due to mRNA Booster Shot
Vaccine-induced Turbo Cancer: T-cell Lymphoma Can Progress Rapidly Due to mRNA Booster Shot - Canada Health Alliance
Booster-Caused IgG4 Immune Tolerance Explains Excess Mortality and “Chronic Covid”
Booster-Caused IgG4 Immune Tolerance Explains Excess Mortality and "Chronic Covid" - Canada Health Alliance
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Holding Ontario MPPs Accountable
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Holding Ontario MPPs Accountable – Druthers News & Information
6 Double Standards Public Health Officials Used To Justify COVID Vaccines
6 Double Standards Public Health Officials Used to Justify COVID Vaccines – Druthers News & Information
Toronto ER Doctor’s Personal Testimony
Toronto ER Doctor’s Personal Testimony – Druthers News & Information
Canadians Aren’t Being Told About Vaccine Risks
Canadians Aren’t Being Told About Vaccine Risks – Druthers News & Information
LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE!!! – Druthers News & Information
Open letter to Dr. Theresa Tam (Chief Public Health Officer of Canada) regarding the public health response to COVID:
Julius Ruechel: Open letter to Dr. Theresa Tam (Chief Public Health Officer of Canada) regarding the public health response to COVID:
The other side of COVID-19: Mental health challenges prevalent in youth - Hamilton Health Sciences
The Ultimate List: mRNA Vaccines + Myocarditis
The evidence is now OVERWHELMING - a very real risk to kids, young adults and possibly all ages.
The Ultimate List: mRNA Vaccines + Myocarditis
I stand on the shoulders of giants - or probably just the shoulder of people who have a lot more time on their hands than I do. Regardless, I’m fairly adept at digesting and cataloguing the pantheon of studies about all things Covid. (See our post last week on children…
Read more
WARMINGTON: Clarifying confusion over Pfizer vaccine transmission prevention trials
A member of Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's shadow cabinet is now calling for an inquiry in the wake of Pfizer's admission
Even more proof: Masks don't work
A new study shows COVID is highly likely present on every plane. No surprise! But when the mask mandate was lifted, COVID death rates remained FLAT. The masks made NO difference.
Steve Kirsch's newsletter
Even more proof: Masks don't work
This tweet by former US Surgeon General Jerome Adams with 1.3M views caught my eye: First of all Adams shouldn’t be opining on masks as there is no evidentiary support for his conclusion. All three randomized trials prove they do nothing. In fact, in the Bangladesh study, the curves were on top of each other, i.e., no difference. I don’t understand how …
Read more
A Letter to MP Dr. Stephen Ellis
In criminal court, malfeasance can apply to cases that cause financial damage or physical injury to another person. For example, medical malpractice is an act of criminal malfeasance. If someone died after poor treatment by a licensed doctor, the doctor can be charged in criminal court for negligent homicide.
Now that the Proverbial Cat has escaped the Proverbial Bag…and with a plethora of mounting evidence that the COVID Vaccines are harming people and never worked at all, it’s time that a lot of people start to make peace with their life-shortening decisions and with the people they scoffed at and scorned over the last 2 years of Jabby Fanfare.
Dr.Chris Shoemaker: 'If You Want Your Child To Be 100 Times More Likely To Die in the Next Six or Seven Months Have Your Kid Get Another Shot'
I’m sure by now you’ve seen the videos of people dropping dead, or ‘dying suddenly.’ This footage, especially strung together montage-style, is beyond disturbing. No doubt they are censoring & blocking from the public’s view most of these video clips. So, let that sink in. Not only are we NOT seeing all the videos of folks seizing up & hitting the floor, imagine the tens of thousands -- or even hundreds of thousands -- NOT being caught on camera! The massive amount of humans dying right now is so staggering that it’s become classified information.
Look at all these vax pushing anti vax mockers dying and falling over...YEEEE HAWWWW (
Ever wonder why your friends, family and coworkers who got the #mRNA #COVID #Vaccine and #Booster shots always seem to be sick? 🤒
Canada’s Deputy PM Chystia Freeland busted for investing $2 billion of tax revenue in company that doesn’t even exist (Video)
It couldn't be more obvious; this information will enrage every Patriot 🤬
The only explanation that explains this, is that they know that the jab is a bioweapon designed for depopulation, and they are gerrymandering who they want the survivors to be. There is no other reason for this.
Corporate Employers ALL over the world will soon be Sued into oblivion by their employees... [see video]
500 German Doctors and Scientists Question Official Covid-19 Story – ‘It is High Time That We Took This Into Our Own Hands’
500 German Doctors and Scientists Question Official Covid-19 Story – ‘It is High Time That We Took This Into Our Own Hands’ (
THEY LIED TO US: World Health Summit Member Admits COVID Lockdowns Were Political Not Scientific
THEY LIED TO US: World Health Summit Member Admits COVID Lockdowns Were Political Not Scientific (VIDEO) (
Why COVID Policies Are A War Against Humanity
Why COVID Policies Are A War Against Humanity - Activist Post
Questions for Mask Communists
Questions for Mask Communists - Council of European Canadians (
COVID-19 Vaccines Are Clearly Dangerous, Mask Mandates Correlate With Higher Infection
COVID-19 Vaccines Are Clearly Dangerous, Mask Mandates Correlate With Higher Infection & Canada Gone (
Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives
Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives – The Daily Sceptic
Bill Gates DELETED DOCUMENTARY - Why He Switched From Microsoft To Vaccines
Mr. Shawn Buckley, Canadian constitutional lawyer and lead council for NCI, provided explosive testimony about the approval of the COVID vaccine in Canada. Mr. Buckley walked through the normal regulatory drug approval process, including the stringent safety and efficacy reporting requirements that were completely bypassed with the roll out of the covid vaccine. Mr. Buckley made the important point that it appears political motivations – not health motivations – was responsible for the quick approval of COVID vaccines in Canada. Mr. Buckley’s full testimony is available here.
Mr. Denis Rancourt, Canadian Scientist, Social Theorist and Researcher at Ontario Civil Liberties Association, explained to the panel how predictions related to COVID deaths made by Canadian government health officials never came to fruition, and how overall all-cause mortality data in Canada did not see a significant increase throughout the COVID period as compared to previous years. Mr. Rancourt provided visuals identifying peaks in all-cause mortality in Canada that coincided with the rollout of the COVID vaccine. If you missed Mr. Rancourt, you can watch his testimony here.
I am demanding an investigation of the invocation of the Emergencies Act (EA) which put Canada under martial law and caused great harm to peaceful protestors in the Freedom Convoy 2022. Martial law lasted from FEB 14, 2022, to FEB 23, 2022. And I ask all Members of Parliament, Senators and the police to enforce the rule of law and charge Trudeau for treason. The evidence has already been gathered under oath that there was no violence, blockade or occupation by the Convoy of 2022. This was confirmed by the Special Joint Committee on the Declaration of the Emergency, the Public Order Emergency Commission and police, as well as the thousands of participants and supporters. The grounds were not met to invoke the act the Ottawa Police Services, the RCMP and the OPP all stated under oath that they did not request the invocation of the Emergencies Act.
Canada's Liberal government knew but was silent when China illegally interfered in federal elections to help Liberals. The Liberal government helping fund Chinese police stations in Canada is another insult to Canada. The Liberals appear to have sold Canadains out.
PEDOPHILES, Child sex abusers and child pornographers - exposing Canada's Healthcare Leaders
An information request to Health Canada was made on 20 April 2023,
Seeking all individual reports with an outcome of death (all ages, all provinces and territories), submitted by provincial health ministries, hospitals, product manufacturers or any other party, that are causally, indeterminately, inconsistently, unclassifiably or temporally associated with receipt of any COVID-19 vaccine. As of writing, there should be *at least* 427 such individual reports per Health Canada’s public statistics available at under ‘Deaths’. Dates: 1 Mar 2020 - present.
Health Canada ATIP - covid injection deaths - 2140 pages - 313mb - text-searchable - released 14 Nov 2023
Download (
Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects
Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects (
Now, the lies are clear as day. Here's a quick recap of what you/they got wrong over the last three years:
• COVID came natural origins
• There is no effective early treatment for COVID-19
• Vaccinated individuals don't spread the virus and don't get sick
• Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are ineffective and dangerous
• Vaccinated immunity is better than natural immunity
• Booster shots are a "conspiracy theory"
• You need (insert percentage) of people vaccinated to achieve herd immunity
• Masks work — and there are no downsides to using them
• The COVID shots are "safe and effective"
It is your sworn duty to protect me from these unlawful incursions. Specifically, through your Oath of Allegiance, it is your responsibility to protect me from:
- Loss of Personal or National Sovereignty /Agenda 2030 / the Great Reset
- Vaccine and/or Mask Mandates
- Transhumanism / "Internet of Bodies"
- Lockdowns / Quarantines / Travel Restrictions
- Social Engineering / Behaviour Modification / Social Distancing
- Violation of Property Rights
- Violation of Parental Rights
- Hyper-sexualization / Victimization of Children
- Censorship / Persecution of Dissenters
- Pseudoscience
- Surveillance / Elimination of Privacy / "Contact Tracing"
- Digital IDs / “Vaccine Passports”
- Central Bank Digital Currency / Social Credit Score
- Urban Concentration Camps / "15 min Cities" / "Smart Cities" / C-40
- Any Other Limitations on My Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
Instead YOU violated your oaths of office once you began to adhere to the will of foreign entities and nations acting in such a way as to violate the rights of the people for foreign interests.
If any of you signed a nondisclosure agreement with Pfizer, then you have demonstrated your allegiance to Pfizer over the people you are actually supposed to serve, endangering not only Canadian citizens but the rest of the world by concealing potentially life-saving data.
Indeed, You have willingly participated in the cover-up of evidence that now proves without a doubt that there are :
1. Serious side-effects of unknown duration, perhaps irreparable
2. Causalities: these were not just “coincidences”
3. Government corruption to hide these harms
4. Correlation between vaccine doses and deaths from multiple independent studies on multiple independent datasets
I love Canada and its people and flag. I cherish it and I will not be silent, I never will.
The government in Canada and in US, UK etc. failed for they locked down the healthy in society and still failed to protect the vulnerable (elderly), this causing devastating crushing harms and death. Tragically, You shifted the burden of morbidity and mortality to the vulnerable, those least able to afford to shield. Lockdowns did not protect the vulnerable, but rather harmed the vulnerable and shifted the morbidity and mortality burden to the underprivileged.
You instead locked down the ‘well’ and healthy in society, which is unscientific and nonsensical, while at the same time failing to properly protect the actual group that lockdowns were proposed to protect, the vulnerable and elderly. You actually did the opposite. You shifted the burden to the poor and caused catastrophic consequences for them. They were in the worst economic situation to afford the lockdowns and estimates are that it will be decades for them to recover from what YOU did.
Let me end by focusing here on the devastating brutal attacks on scientific dissent, such as on me, with regards to my positions about failed lockdown type policies, whereby prognosticators, dissenters, and contrarians like myself (Atlas, Gupta, Kulldorff, Bhattacharya, Heneghan, Jefferson, Tenenbaum, McCullough, Risch, Tucker, Bridle, Wolf, Ladapo, Oskoui, Trozzi, Christian, Hodkinson, Gill, Makary, Merritt, Vliet, Epstein, Davis Hanson, Levitt, etc.), who raise questions about the clearly flawed and failed lockdown and vaccines and mandate policies (including those regarding vaccine mandates especially for children and the denial of early outpatient treatment), are smeared and attacked by the media and by ex cathedra academic and medical peers, including universities, and now, by the scientific journal publishing domain.
I am referring to invidious, vicious, malicious, and often ruthless career-altering attacks that are lobbed against anyone who dares to speak out and voice their often ‘expert’ opinions against failed Covid-19 orthodoxies. These smears and slanders and even verbal and physical threats (and now the government using shocking steps now e.g. arrest) originate from government and persons (often those in the research medical community) who disagree with a skeptic’s position on Covid-19 public health policies and in this case as to the call to remove the unscientific vaccine mandates and all mandates that are unsound. Regardless of if the contrarian is making sensible and often accurate assessments.
Dissenters like me are subjected to punishing firings, intimidation, and maligning of their names that result in tremendous and overwhelming losses to the contrarian’s personal safety, welfare, and livelihood. Now there is the threat of police arrest. It is incredible where we have gone now as a society. There is this ‘cancel culture mob mentality’ that ensues, and the threats and harassment are incredibly troubling, even when the skeptical academic (s) lays out their view that is entirely evidence-based. There is no room for free speech.
I end by pleading that this must stop. These attacks, and the medical and scientific community must rise now to protect its sons and daughters, its kin, protect them. It could just as easily be you and not me, under this threat.
As I said before, I will never be silenced! I am speaking the science others have failed to speak given they sold the nation out for money and greed and benefits. Shameful!
mRNA technology based COVID Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech vaccine: after roll-out January 2021, we see MASSIVE rise in Lymphomas, leukemias, glioblastoma, breast, colon, lung, testicular, ovarian, sarcoma
We see cancers metastasizing rapidly like never before! we see cancers now in remission flaring up! We see deaths from diagnosis to death in days, weeks and not years as prior! TURBO! RAPID!
We can link this rapid progression to the mRNA COVID gene based vaccine.
I think You are all crooks and criminals and should be jailed.
WHEREAS, Compliance Kills
• "Vaccines"/ Mandated Medical Treatments
• Masking / other Face Coverings
• Social Distancing
• Lockdowns / Quarantines / Travel Restrictions
• Violation of Property Rights
• Violation of Parental Rights
• Hyper-sexualization / Grooming of children
• Censorship
• Persecution of Dissenters
• Pseudoscience
• Social Engineering / Behaviour Modification
• Elimination of Privacy / Surveillance / "Contact Tracing"
• Digital IDs / “Vaccine Passports”
• Urban Concentration Camps / "15 min Cities" / "Smart Cities"
I am a free man/woman. Despite massive propaganda, censorship, and vengeful persecution by "experts", agencies and governments, I will not comply with any decree, dictate, measure, or restriction limiting my inalienable Rights, including my Right of Informed Consent and Parental Rights.
Unprecedented increases in All Cause Mortality, destruction of human reproductive capacity, trauma-based indoctrination of our children and ourselves and impoverishment are the inescapable, intended consequences of continued compliance.
I Do Not Consent to the Degradation of Humanity. I Do Not Consent to Tyranny:
• I Will Protect my Rights
• I Will Protect myself from any medical interventions or "vaccines" forced upon me
• I Will Protect my Right of Informed Consent
• I Will Protect my genome from trans-humanism
• I Will Protect my children and myself from delusional misinformation / lies about biology, sexuality and science
• I Will Protect my children from trauma-based education and hyper-sexualization
• I Will Defend my nation, my community and myself from globalism and loss of sovereignty
And Therefore I Commit Myself to:
• EXIT UN/WHO and ALL related organizations and obligations
• Defy oppressive requirements
• Motivate my friends and neighbours to join me in non-compliance
I do not Consent to the loss of Personal or National Sovereignty, Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset
I Call on All Men and Women to Defend Freedom
National Citizen's Inquiry Interim report concludes: COVID-19 injections neither safe nor effective
Breach of Trust by Public Officer/Conspiracy against rights; deprivation of rights under color of law
We have seen a clear violation of fundamental freedoms by the Canadian Government and Health Canada.
No Life Like It… Coercion, Bullying, Vaccine Injury
A class action lawsuit by 130 former and serving military members paints a grim picture of treatment endured during the Canadian Armed Forces mandatory COVID-19 vaccine crackdown.
VACCINATION: What the Bible Says and What Scientism Admits
article found here:
Dr David Martin's presentation during the International Covid Summit (hosted by the European Parliament). YouTube Channel @GrassrootsArmy
A class action lawsuit by 130 former and serving Canadian Armed Forces military members for treatment endured during the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine crackdown. YOU ARE NEXT!!!
A class action lawsuit by 130 former and serving military members paints a grim picture of treatment endured during the Canadian Armed Forces mandatory COVID-19 vaccine crackdown.
The lawsuit seeking $1 million in damages per plaintiff, was filed in Court of King’s Bench Wednesday by Catherine Christensen with Valour Law in St. Albert.
The allegations must be proven in court.
This follows a $500 million lawsuit Christensen launched in June involving 330 CAF members who suffered vaccine injuries and/or were forced out.
According to the recent statement of claim members who “served honourably” but objected to taking an experimental drug were harassed, isolated, punished; and faced threats of jail, being blacklisted to never work again, or having pensions forfeited.
They were mocked by peers, bullied by superiors.
Many suffer injuries from the vaccines declared mandatory in October 2021.
• Capt. Brian Scott Isted was training to be an assaulter officer with Special Operations Forces Command. He was told the vaccine was mandatory.
“He received two injections of Moderna and suffered blood clots and back pain within weeks of the second dose. He is now diagnosed with a degenerative autoimmune disorder of the spine and continuous monitoring for blood clot complications which has ended his career.”
“He is also being investigated for cardiac issues which began showing symptoms since the injections.”
• Cpl. Tanner Lee Slater was a vehicle technician at CFB Edmonton. His application for a medical exemption because of a higher risk of adverse reaction due to a medical condition was denied. He took one injection of the Janssen vaccine “under duress to save his career.”
Slater suffers life-threatening adverse effects and is in the process of medical release due to being disabled and impacted from the diagnosed severe vaccine injury.
• Capt. Terrilyn McLaren, a public affairs officer at CFB Kingston, was forced to get two Moderna doses to keep her job and be deployed. “Capt. McLaren received the injections and suffered a spontaneous arterial dissection and blood clot followed by an ischemic stroke while on deployment overseas.” She couldn’t walk for six months, is deaf in her left ear and suffers numbness on her face “both of which she is unlikely to recover from.”
The lawsuit details egregious violations to established law and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It isn’t about the injuries, said Christensen. Rather, it highlights the consequences of people forced to take the vaccine and the need to hold those who forced them responsible.
The lawsuit is filed against Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre, Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Lt.-Gen. Frances Allen, Lt.-Gen. Jocelyn Paul, Vice-Admiral Angus Topshee, Lt.-Gen. Eric Kenny, former defence minister Anita Anand, former deputy defence minister Jody Thomas, Surgeon General Maj.-Gen. JGM Bilodeau, Chaplain General Brigadier-Gen. JLG Belisle, Judge Advocate General Rear-Admiral Genevieve Bernatchez, and His Majesty the King in Right of Canada.
Careers of some who received medals and commendations were destroyed.
• Capt. Tony Gregory Isaacs refused the jab and was deemed unsuitable for further military service under a 5(f) after serving 38 years. He was released from duty at the Instructors Cadre at the Regional Cadet Support Unit at Shearwater, Nova Scotia.
“He was a highly decorated soldier with decades of specialized skills and service in over 15 countries.”
• Maj. John Robert McNabb served 31 years and received the Member of Military Merit and Meritorious Service Cross.
The infantry officer at the 3rd Canadian Division Training Centre at CFB Wainwright was told a vaccine exemption wouldn’t be approved. McNabb received two Pfizer doses.
“He was extremely fit prior to the injections but is now suffering from cardiac issues which require medical intervention for life.”
• Lt.-Col. Joseph Guy Normand Stephane Clouatre, a decorated armoured officer at the 12 Régiment blindé du Canada in Trois Rivieres, Quebec, rejected the “illegitimate” directives. He was relieved of his command and released under a 5(f).
• Cpl. Matthew Allin Stevens, an engineer at 2 Combat Engineer Regiment at CFB Petawawa, was denied religious exemption and released under a 5(f) despite being recognized as one the regiment’s top performers in 2022.
He was able to access his entire regiment’s status through Monitor Mass. This isn’t the only Section 8 Charter violation of medical privacy.
• Cpl. Benjamin Maxwell Grossmith was a medical technician at 1 Field Ambulance at CFB Edmonton. He applied for a religious exemption but didn’t receive a decision before he was released.
“He was subject to the remedial measures outlined in the Directives even though he had asked for a voluntary release prior to the Directives. The disciplinary process was altered, as well as orders and decisions were backdated to ensure there were administrative actions placed on his personnel file.”
He “personally witnessed when personnel were given access to more than 1,000 medical files to create vaccination cards for CAF members.”
• Maj. Todd Simms, a pilot at 415 Squadron with 14 Wing at CFB Greenwood served 41 years. He refused the vaccine.
“During a vaccine parade, those choosing not to be injected were openly separated from the others and interviewed within hearing of other members.”
• Cpl. Ashley Lynn Watson was a material management technician with 8 Wing at CFB Trenton. She received three injections to keep her position and deploy despite established natural immunity from infection.
“She was harassed to get a second dose while on sick leave. The CoC (chain of command) sent an email to everyone in the unit disclosing the vaccination status of every member in the unit.”
Some claim they were pushed to the edge of desperation. Some struggle with suicidal thoughts.
• Capt. Alexandre Sacha Tabarah, a logistics officer at Montreal’s CFB Valcartier was denied the ability to apply for an exemption.
Tabarah had two Moderna injections and has suffered health issues — including an “attempted suicide after the injections.”
• Sgt. Jeffery Robert A. Anderson served 21 years and is an Intelligence Operator at the Joint Task Force X Canadian Forces Intelligence Command at CFB Kingston.
“Due to the nature of his work, Sgt. Anderson received two doses of Moderna in rapid succession outside Health Canada guidelines. He received a third dose less than seven months later to qualify for deployment.”
“Within days of the third dose, he had severe adverse events leading to a diagnosis of untreatable Rheumatoid Arthritis which will end his career. There were long delays to get him medications and treatments to ease his suffering.”
His mental health “deteriorated to the point of being life-threatening.”
• Lt.-Cdr Nikita Alexander F. Kovoloff, a naval warfare officer at TRINITY at CFB Halifax, was denied religious exemption.
“Lt-Cdr Kavoloff had confirmed heart damage after his first injection along with other adverse events. He was denied a medical exemption for a second dose. He had additional medical issues following the second dose.”
“He continues to suffer from mental health issues related to the actions of the CoC following the Directives.”
Some succumbed to suicidal urges.
• Cpl. Zachary Hamid Rambarransingh, an infantryman with The Royal Montreal Regiment at Westmount, Quebec, refused the vaccine.
“Mr. Rambarransingh’s best friend, and fellow regiment member, whom he lived with, committed suicide on the day Mr. Rambarransingh was released due to his distress at what had occurred within the Regiment.”
Then there’s the humiliation.
• Cpl. Jonathan David Walsh, an infanteer with the Loyal Edmonton Regiment, declined the vaccine and was released.
“When he was present, members were told those who did not take the injections would cause food shortages as well as these members should be shot and killed.”
• Sgt. Stephen Francis King, a refrigeration mechanical technician at 14 Mission Support Squadron at CFB Greenwood, served 22 years.
“He could not apply for an exemption to receiving the injections because of the lack of information while he was deployed in Kuwait. He took two injections after months of harassment and threats of administrative measures while deployed to Kuwait and placed in nearly complete isolation.”
“The medical officer admitted that he was coercing members to accept the injections and would do even more to force the medical treatment if he had the power to do so.”
King suffers nerve issues in his leg and mental health issues from treatment by superiors.
• Sgt. Daniel Arthur Noonan, a musician at the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group at CFB Borden, received one Moderna shot and “was hospitalized from complications with the injection and then was allowed a medical exemption from further doses.”
“When he told the medical technician that he was taking it under duress, they injected him anyway. He has suffered several life-changing medical issues since the injections.”
• Petty Officer Second Class Stephen Paul Awalt, a weapons engineering technician at CFB Halifax, was punished with extra and “very unpleasant duties. He was “belittled by his peers as well as reprimanded for his choice in front of his peers.” He suffers from medical issues, including cardiac events.
• Pte. Shane Samuel Bourgoin was an infanteer at the 3 Royal Canadian Regiment at CFB Petawawa until he was released under a category 5(f).
“He was part of the group that was placed in a tent in winter conditions and denied heat unless they were vaccinated. Demeaning and pointless tasks were also given to the group while the rest of the Company held celebrations indoors.”
• Petty Officer Kelly Elizabeth Campbell, a supply technician at CFB Halifix/Dartmouth was denied religious exemption. “She was told she would lose her pension and benefits.”
“For months following the Directives, she was forced to attend several meetings with superior officers all questioning her religious beliefs and her future health, including reproductive issues.”
Campbell received two Moderna injections and suffered “significant health issues.”
• Sgt. Devon Edward Terry Malazdrewicz, an aircraft structures technician at the Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment for 4 Wing at CFB Cold Lake, had five Moderna injections.
“He continues to suffer with medical conditions that only appeared after the injections. The medical unit staff have refused a referral to a specialist citing it is illegal for CAF medical staff to acknowledge possible harm from the injections.”
• MCpl. Eliane Marie Madeleine Pfeiffer, at CFB Borden “was forced out of the CAF while pregnant.”
• Cpl. David Joseph M Lalonde-Gauthier, an aircraft structure technician at the 1 Air Maintenance Squadron at CFB Cold Lake, was told if he contracted COVID-19 “he should stay home and die alone.” He took one injection of AstraZeneca and one of Janssen and suffers cardiac, neurological, and mental health issues due to his rapid physical decline.
• Cpl. Karl M Rousseau, an avionics systems technician with the 12 Air Maintenance Squadron at CFB Halifax “applied for a medical exemption to receiving the injections after suffering anaphylactic shock after each injection and was denied each time.”
It goes on. Adverse effects, punishments — battles fought alone they should never have had to fight. Why?
The lawsuit’s statement of facts claims the CAF “operates with a focus on political agendas and taking direction from political leaders that is detrimental to operational readiness and effectiveness.”
“In this case, the CAF shirked its own purpose and rushed an untested product onto its members, mislabeled this experimental gene therapy a ‘vaccine’ knowingly made false statements of safety and efficacy, and facilitated its mandate with no option to refuse except for mandatory permanent removal from service.”
It alleges Eyre “claimed unlimited powers without legislative approval, and even claimed these powers prevent and preclude judicial review.”
Some commanding officers were “relentless and brutal in carrying out the measures” that in some cases “were criminal in nature.” That includes forcing members to spend extended periods of time in extreme weather conditions with no shelter and forcibly confining them to cramped spaces “with no respite for meals or personal hygiene needs.”
It notes “not one” CAF member died from COVID-19 “yet there are members with seriously life changing vaccine injuries and deaths from the administration of the biologics.”
You ALL belong in FUCKING JAIL
There are serious concerns, including but not confined to those outlined above, that the approval of the COVID-19 vaccines by Health Canada was premature and reckless, and that the administration of the vaccines constituted and still does constitute “human experimentation”, which was and still is in violation of the Nuremberg Code.
In view of the urgency of the situation, I request that you reply to this email within seven days and address all my concerns substantively. Should you choose not to comply with this reasonable request, I will make this letter public.
I await your timely reply, remember silence is acquiescence and dis-honour and proof of criminal activity
I await hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Derek Crane
Fort Erie, ON
My reply to PHAC - On 18 September 2024, an alarming report was released by Canadian virologist, Dr David Speicher, confirming significant synthetic DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines used in Australia. A copy of the report is attached. The findings indicate DNA contamination levels up to 145 times higher than Canada's normal safety limits. These findings have also been replicated in Germany and the United States. This information adds to the growing safety concerns surrounding these vaccines. Dr Speicher’s findings suggest the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were rushed to the public without adequate safety testing of the non-trial based batches. Now we are seeing alarming DNA contamination levels coupled with the possibility of genomic integration. This could explain the reported rise in cancers and other severe health outcomes we are seeing in our highly vaccinated Australian population. This evidence demands that a full and transparent inquiry be held into the safety of these vaccines.
My Son's Mother Niki Spear took the covid shots YOU FUCKING RETARDS SAID WERE SAFE and NOW SHE IS FUCKING DEAD from Cancer. You fucking Murdering pieces of shit. You all belong in prison. GOD DAMN YOU FUCKING MURDERERS!!!! You must be and will be held accountable.
Derek Crane
Ps reply with a name not The Public Health Agency of Canada